
This site is currently based on a blog format, but this may change in the future.

It is intended to provide a location for discussion of the openness of government (or lack of it), and how this might be improved.

It is predicated on the belief that, while a freedom of information law is a critical step towards open government, it is not sufficient to produce a real shift towards openness in the operation and culture of government on its own. It is likely to consider topics including the design of freedom of information regimes, evaluation of the operation of these regimes, transparency and its difference from open government, public participation in policy making and administration, and access to (and re-use of) data held by government agencies.

Find me on Mastodon

On Twitter I’m @openpolicynz

One Reply to “About”

  1. Thanks for spending the time on this Andrew(?). Hopefully the two Peters (Hughes and Boshier) take note and keep nudging for all of government OIA improvement.